Os dejamos con la reseña para que juzguéis por vosotros mismos. Ya lo decía Oscar Wilde, "lo importante es que hablen de ti, aunque sea mal". ;-)
Faux Filet – Faux Filet [Unsigned]
Released: April 2010.
Record Label: Unsigned.
Madrid’s Faux Filet revisit the British invasion sounds of the early 70’s on their self-titled release.
While the emphasis here is on blues rock and throw-away lyrics, the trio are not afraid to use boogie rock, acoustic rock and sixties garage rock either.
Guitarist Javier Mora imitates the vintage guitar-driven blues-rock sound well on tracks such as: ‘Hey Hey Hey (If There’s A Road, There’s A Way)’ and ‘Let’s Make a Deal’.
Meanwhile, vocal duties on this release are shared between Mora and Sergio Tur (vocals and bass). Both men have a similar condescending vocal range, which more often that not, sounds like they are imitating each other.
This twelve track release (including a 2005 version of ‘C’Est Fini La Chanson’) is simply three men who enjoy the hard rock of yesteryear.
However, unfortunately for them and indeed the listener, Faux Filet’s retro-sounding rock goes stale overnight.
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